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Jon Wood
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It has been 3 weeks since my son declared the toothpaste tube empty. Realistically I’d probably have chucked it by now but we’re so close to a full month I keep persisting and squeezing a little more out.

Jon Wood boosted

The image came to me in a dream

Jon Wood boosted

Big moment today as I encounter my first ever bug caused by integer endianness.

Jon Wood boosted

Hi, friends. Today is a very special day because I got to launch Television, the visionOS app I dreamed up a few months ago, and partnered with a very talented developer named Andy Roth and my dear bud @dan to make this thing real.

It's the future of television.

Jon Wood boosted

It took approx 29 seconds to sell out of our last batch of EMF tickets. So now your only hope is to submit a talk, workshop, or installation! Tell us about the cool stuff you do! @emf

Today in parental tech support: Running strings on the 40 odd Minecraft mods my son has installed to work out which of them popped the message "Obsidian man is here" before messing up his world.

I want to be cross at the mod maker for doing that and causing some degree of distress, but they did call the mode "Trolls & Traps", so really all I can do is nod with respect at them.

Today in incongruous sponsor reads, Better Help, in the middle of a video about Mario Maker. I’d love to see the ROI on selling therapy to kids who want to make Mario levels.

GitHub Codespaces. For when you accidentally put your work laptop in your bag before going out to work on personal stuff.

Watching Ambulance on iPlayer and as ever blown away by paramedics, paid an absolute pittance to do twelve hour shifts in some of the most stressful situations imaginable.

Jon Wood boosted

government just going full fascist now.

“No protestor should be able to evade justice” obviously implying that the views all protestors as criminals (which of course, they do)

Get yourself a manager who when you say “I’m fried, going to put down this project and work on some easy stuff for a couple of days” whole heartedly backs you on it.

Apparently some XBox influencer ran a *7 hour* crisis meeting with other influencers on Twitter today to discuss the terrible news that MS might publish a few games on PlayStation. Not confirmed, just a vague rumour. Some people desperately need more in their life than a games console.

Threw a couple of peanuts to a crow that was hanging out on the grass outside my window earlier this morning. Now every ten minutes or so three of them rock up and shout at me until I chuck them some more.

Jon Wood boosted

I made a mechanical 7-segment display:

Jon Wood boosted

I’m begging you iPlayer, stop asking me who’s watching. No one else lives here. No one else has ever signed in on this device. You can just assume it’s me.

Jon Wood boosted

Is their any video format worse than “YouTuber watches TikTok videos”? This question brought to you by my son’s terrible taste in YouTube.

I am now one full week into the worst insomnia of my life. It appears I can be tired at any time other than when attempting to sleep. If anyone has tips on dealing with this they’d be greatly appreciated.

Jon Wood boosted

Periodic reminder:

Are you feeling dispirited by the software industry? Does every job you look at feel like another bullshit way of transferring working-class money into VC pockets?


It will mean less money, but you can leave.

Whether it's as small a step as a janky university webmaster job, or as large a one as retraining, you can leave. I have been so much happier for leaving.

Always happy to talk through logistics of this with the curious.

The problem with testing a thing that involves SMS delivery is eventually you have to send real SMS messages, and that involves waiting an indeterminate amount of time for it to arrive.

Apple Music appears to support animated album covers and I'm deeply disappointed that they're just static animations when they could have made them full blown custom visualisers for each album.

Please send help. I’ve developed a crippling addiction to pretend power washing. My plan tonight was to have dinner and get an early night. What happened was to have dinner and then Powerwash a house on the Steam Deck while half watching YouTube videos.

Jon Wood boosted

iRobot facing "death" because it only has 46% of the market is bonkers to me; capitalism has forgotten what to do with a mature company.

"We sell vacuums to half the population" is no longer a valid business model, evidently.