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Jon Wood
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Jon Wood boosted

I attached what appear to be LEDs (photodiodes?) to a pair of headphones and now I can hear lights that blink in the hearing range of frequencies 🤔 No power source needed

I’m not claiming that it’s ear-safe, and the sound is headache-inducing albeit quiet, but it’s pretty interesting.

For example, dimmable LED lighting flickers at around 1000 Hz. All my lamps make a different sound. Moving the “light microphone” through sunlight makes a wind-like sound.

Edited 228d ago

Overheard between two ten year olds trying to get a game of Minecraft going earlier today: “What’s your number?”

I eventually worked out they meant version number.

Your thought for the day: buying a box of wine conjures a very different image to buying a crate of wine, and yet both are just ways to buy wine in bulk transported in a cuboid container.

I have finally completed a run in Balatro. That is all.

Jon Wood boosted

"Achieving carbon neutrality is like solving one face of a Rubik’s cube – necessary but not sufficient."

Another zinger from @timparrique, in response to another load of anti-degrowth drivel from Jacobin.

Jon Wood boosted

Secret Panel HERE ☕

Looking forward to our dystopian future where technology becomes a form of magic frozen at its current level when all the people who understood it have died and the junior people never got trained because they were replaced with an LLM.

One day I’ll learn that the world isn’t universally shit and I just need to eat something. Today was not that day, at least until I had some dinner (swearing profusely throughout cooking it).

Jon Wood boosted

From the Internet:
“Isn’t it weird how we as a society arrived at ‘monetize all your hobbies to support yourself’ before ‘rich people should pay their workers better’?

After some time wondering *why* the royals would go to great lengths to fake Kate being alive and well it has come to me. They’re frantically preparing Queue infrastructure before revealing the truth. Some investigative journalists could blow this wide open by trying to hire pedestrian fencing in London.

A very happy Mario Day to all who celebrate.

Jon Wood boosted

I feel like the abusive mode of software business models is so embedded at this point that we have a generation of designers who don't actually know how to prioritize user utility — which was already complicated for folks to understand even before the enshittification started.

This series of YouTube videos by someone who acquired a bunch of 2000 era Sun thin clients was an unexpected rabbit hole this evening, which has left me wanting a terminal server at home.

Concluding the day in the best possible way, with a git branch stuck in an inscrutable state. I thought I’d seen all the ways a rebase can break, but apparently there’s another.

Jon Wood boosted

Are the AI people at google ok

A deeply bizarre evening as we bump into the tail end of D&B on a Bike, and then Professor Elemantal continues giving my son a wildly unrealistic introduction to live music and following an artist with a personal welcome, followed by winning one of his hats in a raffle. A somewhat bittersweet party as our local queer art/live music/community support space has its last live music before going into hibernation due to obscene rent increases.

Gladiators is some wonderfully wholesome TV. Just a bunch of incredibly fit people having a good time hitting each other with giant q-tips.

Jon Wood boosted

Got to love how most websites now resemble yer da's popup ridden malware infected pc from 20 years ago

Just got back from Dune, and holy shit, they only went and pulled off a faithful adaptation of a book I thought was impossible to bring to film well. No idea whether it makes any sense to people who don’t already know the book, but as a lifelong fan it was awe inspiring to see.

Jon Wood boosted

Sad to hear they're discontinuing work on the Apple car

Jon Wood boosted

If you make a commercial product that allows someone to remotely access video, audio, or location data from a device, I am begging you to threat model for domestic abuse BEFORE YOU SHIP YOUR GODDAMN PRODUCT.

Once every four years we get an extra day, and yet we willingly allow it to be stolen by The Man unless it falls on a weekend. It should be a bonus bank holiday, a quadrennial party day in which we all go outside and enjoy the early springtime.

Jon Wood boosted

getting fired from apple for printing out little pieces of paper that say ".DS_Store" and leaving them everywhere

Just rewatched Dune in preparation for part 2 on Friday and once again I’m blown away by how good it is, after the trepidation of hearing a book I’ve read more or less annually since I was 14 was getting a modern film adaptation.

Edited 237d ago

Apprentice is such a glorious shitshow. A laser focused exercise in how not to do business.