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Jon Wood
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Amongst other things I just took delivery of a satellite dish with a laser mounted on it, much to the bemusement of the guy driving the truck.

I'd like to talk to whoever decided these two hour delivery slots should have single minute precision at either end. 12:14 to 16:14. Your pickup will be somewhere in this four hour window, but by God it will not be before 14 minutes past the hour.

Me: “I’ll have a quiet day before going back to work”
My mortgage advisor: “I need bank statements, payslips, life insurance, and your firstborn to get this mortgage going”

Oh well.

I’m now 5 days into my 6 days of post-EMF doing nothing time. Turns out I’m terrible at doing nothing, I found myself thinking I needed a project yesterday and am having to fight quite hard against starting yet another new thing. Going for a long walk instead.

My phone knows me well enough that it now autocorrects suit to shit pretty consistently, even within words like suiting.

Jon Wood boosted

Step to write software by human:

1. Decide what you want your software to do (medium)
2. Decide what you REALLY want your software to do in all the corner cases (very HARD)
3. Write the code (Easy to Medium)
4. Test the code (Medium)
5. Debug the code (hard to very HARD).

Now, thanks to ChatGPT, you could improve this workflow by:

- making step 3, the only easy step, somewhat easier (and thus hiring less competent engineers)

- making step 5 nearly Impossible.

The Steam update logic baffles me. One of the < 100MB updates on this Steam Deck was scheduled to run on the 22nd, what possible reason is there to do that?

Enjoying the post EMF game where I repeatedly test to work out whether the extreme fatigue, muscle ache, and warmth is covid or a week of not enough sleep, physical exertion, and mild sunburn.

Jon Wood boosted

Y’all know that you don’t have to do cookie consents if you don’t try to track users in ways that are creepy, right?

Like a better internet is possible? 🫥

Jon Wood boosted

If you are the person who abandoned a tent full of crap at EMF: We are going to find you.

You have enraged a group of people who enjoy puzzles and suddenly have a lot of free time.


I once saw someone post on Twitter about a tiny camping festival for nerds, impulse bought tickets from the back of a car, and found my people in doing so.

12 years later it has escalated wildly, and I got share it with my son, who wasn’t even born in 2012. He was in tears last night, because he too has found his people, and is distraught that it will be over so soon, and it’s two years until the next one.

Jon Wood boosted

“The average festival has 4 million addressable leds” factoid is actually just statistical error.
Average festival has 1000 addressable leds. , who lives in a field in Ledbury has over 18 quintillion addressable leds is and outlier and should not have been counted.

I’ve spent the last four hours (was meant to be two) out in the real world. Do not recommend, will be returning to EMF imminently.

Our cozy little 200 person construction worker cosplay camping trip has been rudely invaded by several thousand people who seem to think there’s some kind of festival on. Quite rude really.

OH: "You're another person who's younger than my boots"

“I don’t want to call when I’m on the train because I’ll have no privacy” says the woman talking loudly into a phone behind me in the waiting room. Volume is turned up loud enough I can hear both sides of the conversation.

Train to EMF leaves in under twelve hours, so I guess I’ve put off packing for as long as possible now.

Me, in the normal world: "Ugh, why wouldn't you say think you? It's just basic good manners."
Me, when using a ticketing system: "Ugh, why did you say thank you? Now I have to close the thread again."

How is it I’m always drowning in USB memory sticks until the moment I need one?

Today in the name of getting things done I committed code which comes with a three paragraph apology to the next person who encounters it.

I look forward to receiving an apology from my past self in two year’s time.

I am now on holiday from my job developing embedded Linux systems for 2.5 weeks, so of course I'm celebrating that by developing an embedded Linux system in the early hours of the morning.

I am packing. I truly hate packing.

I don't know what everyone has against clubbing seals, they're incredibly cute.

Jon Wood boosted

It’s meant to be.

The ten year old’s current EMF status: “I can barely contain my excitement!”