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Jon Wood
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Jon Wood boosted

It's actually kind of fucked that the concept of self-care is now being sold to us as "you deserve the right to spend money on consumable luxuries like bath bombs" rather than "capitalism is destroying us mind, body, and spirit and will always ravenously devour all time and space we have marked out for the maintenance of our own health and sanity"

AHHHH. Just sent the deposit and final legal fees for purchasing the flat I’ve been renting to my solicitors. I guess I’m committed now.

Ahh yes, that’s why I don’t really watch BBC News.

“Zombie knives, swords, and machetes are a growing problem. Our reporter is at a Border Force centre.” Followed by a report that has nothing to do with immigration or asylum seekers.

I’m tickled every time I go to put BBC News on an iPlayer asks if I want to watch from the start. Yes, please give me the news starting from November 1997, I missed a few episodes the first time round.

I’ve just been reminded Trustpilot exists, and am once again angry that there’s a widely used company whose entire business model is broadly a protection racket. Companies that pay them can dispute bad reviews, companies that don’t can’t.

QOTD from a YouTube video my son is watching: “A fully evolved Corbynite will be incredibly annoying to deal with”.

(Don’t @ me, I t’s a Pokemon video.)

Jon Wood boosted

Capitalism is stupid.

Jon Wood boosted
Edited 32d ago
Hamas pagers

@Tijn @catsalad you can’t pull up a seat on your phone while it calculates payroll for the entire DoD though.

Jon Wood boosted

Emoji neofox : Hi can I buy a vacuum cleaner ?
Dyson : yeah ... uhh here you go
Emoji neofox : By the way do you happen to know anyone who can make a megastructure around a star
Dyson : ur not gonna believe this

I’m going to laugh so hard if the thing that persuades CEOs to take climate change seriously is atmospherics levels of CO2 starting to encroach on the levels that impact productivity.

Jon Wood boosted

Rent, food.

Where do I report my local postman for cheating at wearing shorts in any weather, he’s got thermal trousers on underneath them.

I have just spent two days straight being sociable, if anyone needs me I’ll be hiding out avoiding any sort of human contact for the next week.

Come on folks. At least *try* to entice me into this article I had the tiniest shred of interest in to begin with.

Gamers set up DNS for your servers challenge. Difficulty level: Impossible.

How, in the year two thousand and twenty four, is it still so painful to template a configuration file from environment variables?

@skylar I just watched your EMF talk, it is easily the best one I've ever seen! On several occassions I gasped in amazement at what's going on during despatch, thank you for the talk, and thank you for doing a job you couldn’t pay me enough money to even consider doing.

Whenever I encounter my son’s cat when out and about she meows at me incessantly until I guide her home. She’ll keep running up ahead, then turning around and checking I’m still there, so clearly knows the way.

This evening it occurred to me that her distress is that she’s found me wandering around in the wild lands and needs to take me to safety before something terrible happens.

Went to the shops over lunch to get toilet roll. Just realised I didn’t get toilet roll.

Property buying continues to crawl along, today after waiting weeks for a response to a query from my solicitors the other side inform me “the council require a fee for this information, which was paid yesterday”.

This is literally your whole job. How were you unaware there would be a fee that needed paying?

@britt I’d be open to helping with this. No experience running Mastodon specifically, but I have run Rails applications at scale for a decade or so.

@golub @catsalad tell me your gaming machine is riddled with viruses without telling me etc.