[Short break in content due to arriving in London for Spirited Away. Coverage of Day 1 shall continue on the return trip!]
We reach the morning of #emfcamp day 1!
A fine view from my tent, grabbing a coffee and helping ensure that we're being very, very safe when driving any form of vehicle.
Shout out to the Leeds Hackspace crew for letting me camp with them again this EMF, it was as always a lovely group of people.
Spoiler: the sun literally did not stop shining from this point forwards and it was glorious.
Day 1 #emfcamp - opening ceremony!
Everyone headed on down to Stage A to see @jonty officially open things up (I can only apologise for my amateur photography here).
I believe the stat for talks/workshops was 12 days straight of content and that's just the 'official' stuff. It's literally impossible to "do all of EMF" and to me that's what makes it magical.
I said it earlier but I really loved the Stage A layout and I think this shows why. Look at all these people ready to do cool things!
Day 1 #emfcamp (repost, all hail train signal)
Went for a wander before getting into the talks - did you know EMF has both a DECT and copper phone network? ( @CuTEL )
I was FORG this year as someone nabbed FROG, but I did enjoy the racoon noise and RAT FACTS phone extensions. Last time I had 7253 play the "new emergency service" jingle from IT crowd, it's such a fun thing to exist.
The noticeboard was already filling with cool things happening around the campsite and event!
Hello! (Co founder of the RSPCR (rat facts) here) Glad to hear you enjoyed our service,
I'm still collecting stories from people about rat facts so if you have anything of note I'd love to hear it!
@John - oh amazing! I used to keep rats so they're very dear to my heart so rat facts was so cool.
I used this exact phone the day after to call for a rat fact:
_[dial tone]_
RSPCR: "Hello rat facts"
Me: "Hello, I would like a rat fact please."
RSPCR: "Certainly. When you see rats gathered around musician ensure you pay them or they will steal your children."
Me: "That is a very helpful fact, thank you for that."
RSPCR: "Not a problem, have a nice day."
_[extremely satisfying clunk hangup]_
@FroggyMakes @John Hold on, was rat facts run by people managing a hotline
@jonty @FroggyMakes
Yes it was a copper phone and line "bought" from cutel, in our village
we had great fun pretending to be a call centre!
269 calls and 142 minutes of total call duration!
@John @FroggyMakes Extremely regretting not calling Rat Facts
Hi is this Vole Facts?
@pieceofthepie @FroggyMakes @jonty @John
Nobody’s done hat facts yet…? Or perhaps even bureaucrat and aristocrat facts…
What about facts about faxes?! People could send a fax with a fact to fax facts!!!
@herdingdata @pieceofthepie@social.n8e.dev @FroggyMakes @jonty @John I for one would love to fax fax facts facts.
@herdingdata @pieceofthepie @FroggyMakes @jonty @John @Floppy @pikesley we need to nab Hat Facts for Hat Village in 2026!
@jon @FroggyMakes @jonty @John this idea is not 10 minutes old and I am already chatting with @blue about implementation details. I feel like we need to make this happen 😃
@John @FroggyMakes @jonty might have to branch out into Tardigrade Facts next time. Perhaps a combined call centre with one of those big “calls waiting” type displays would be in order.
@John @FroggyMakes Operated by the technovoles themselves. They just reply with annoyed squeaks (at 140bpm)