I once went out at 1am to draw cash out from the local village - I found a masked gang there working out how to steal the fucking thing, it was embedded in the wall. I politely asked one of them if I could draw a tenner out first, they let me. Next morning it was gone.
@fesshole I wouldn’t have trusted a bunch of criminals not to steal the money from my account at the same time.
@DrMcStrange @fesshole what do you mean? They just force him to withdraw all the money in his account. Super easy.
@DrMcStrange @fesshole that’s a good point. It all comes from the same source. But I still wouldn’t have asked them if they’d let me withdraw my cash. I’d have gone back home.
@DrMcStrange @Strwpok @fesshole What could OP possibly need £10 for at 1am - they were meeting their dealer and were already stoned/high. Only explanation.
@BonehouseWasps @DrMcStrange @Strwpok @fesshole or they need it for tomorrow, or someone they live with insists on settling a bet, or they work late, or there's a shop open late that only takes cash, or they feel anxious if they don't have cash just in case
i mean, I have done plenty of stuff way later than 1am. Not everyone is off their tits or tucked in bed like a dweeb
@BonehouseWasps @DrMcStrange @Strwpok @fesshole £10 though? Do you get your drugs from 1974?